Saša Jurić

Elixir mentor, author of Elixir in Action

Saša is an Elixir mentor helping companies with the adoption of Elixir. He has many years of experience building server systems, as well as desktop applications using various languages and technologies. For the past nine years, his focus has been on building backend systems using Elixir and Erlang. He is the author of “Elixir in Action”, and an occasional blogger at


This is a tutorial on managing process hierarchies with OTP, with a special focus on “smart parents”, i.e. worker processes which start their own children. The talk will present not-so-obvious pitfalls of naive start-linking, and explain proper steps to handle the children. You’ll also learn about the library, which, by including a missing layer between GenServer and Supervisor, makes the parenting job much easier. Finally, the talk will present a fully reimplemented and reimagined supervisor behaviour 🙈

Key Takeaways:

  • learn about parent responsibilities
  • see an example of bottom-up layered design
  • challenge some established patterns

Target Audience:

  • Developers who are familiar with OTP behaviours, such as GenServer and Supervisor. The code examples will be in Elixir, but Erlang & Gleam devs should find it interesting too.

Practical testing with Elixir (and Phoenix)