Robert Virding

Co-Creator of Erlang

Robert Virding is Principal Language Expert at Erlang Solutions Ltd. While at Ericsson AB, Robert was one of the original members of the Ericsson Computer Science Lab, and co-inventor of the Erlang language. He took part in the original system design and contributed much of the original libraries, as well as to the current compiler. While at the lab he also did a lot of work on the implementation of logic and functional languages and on garbage collection. He has also worked as an entrepreneur and was one of the co-founders of one of the first Erlang startups (Bluetail). Robert also worked a number of years at the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) Modelling and Simulations Group. He co-authored the first book (Prentice-Hall) on Erlang, and is regularly invited to teach and present throughout the world.

Lua on the BEAM

Luerl is an implementation of the Lua parser, compiler, and runtime, written in pure Erlang. It allows Lua programs to be executed on the BEAM in a fully sandboxed environment, while allowing integrators to expose Erlang and Elixir functions directly to Lua programs.

In this talk, Robert Virding will give an overview of Lua and the Luerl implementation discussing some of the issues which arise and how they are solved and the added power they can give. We will cover a brief history of Lua, what makes Luerl unique, and how it executes Lua code.

To demonstrate how Luerl can be used in real products, Dave Lucia will showcase how his company, TV Labs, uses Lua to provide a customer-facing scripting interface for testing Smart TV applications. Using TV Labs, Dave will spin up a physical television in his web browser, navigate through a Smart TV app, take screenshots, and perform computer vision tasks, all within the Lua environment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding how the Erlang/Elixir system can be extended in a useful, powerful and safe way while still preserving the basic features of the BEAM.

Target Audience:

  • System developers, programming language enthusiasts, and curious web-developers

OTP Training for Erlang Programmers