Full stack Web development in Gleam

2024-10-16 - 2024-10-16

nhow Berlin, Stralauer Allee 3


In this training day, we’ll take a look at how to build a typical full-stack Web application in pure Gleam. We’ll learn how to build with the foundational libraries every Gleam project will build upon – Mist, Wisp, and Lustre – and see how Gleam can be used across the stack.

By the end of the day, we’ll have seen how Gleam can easily mix client-rendered components with real-time server components to create rich interactive experiences by building a live browser-based music application!

Format: 1-day in-person tutorial

Training objectives:

  • Provide a fast (but gentle!) introduction to Gleam
  • Demonstrate what Real World ™️ Gleam code looks like
  • See how Gleam is proficient at building frontend applications whilst leaning on familiar OTP concepts.
  • Leave everyone with a fun interactive music app they can play with!

Target audience:

  • Anyone new to Gleam and wants to go from 0 to 100 quickly
  • Anyone who wants to see how Gleam can replace multiple technologies across the stack
  • Anyone curious what a LiveView-like setup would look like in pure Gleam

Experience level: