Srikanth Kyatham

Architect @ Kaltio Technologies Oy

A guy with an obsession for languages and delivering products in different platforms. I have started my career as Symbian C++, Qt, J2ME developer for Nokia mobile phones. Then we confounded a company for Push notifications for Nokia devices in 2014. Ever since I have been Architect, Salesman, wearing any title needed to get thr job done.

Rapid Product Development with Ash Framework

Startup usage of Ash Framework:

Ash provides numerous escape hatches to revert to Phoenix’s traditional methods when necessary. Emphasis on how Ash can streamline development processes.

Steps: Entity Generation: Utilize Ash to generate entities efficiently. Phoenix CRUD Forms: Create basic CRUD operations within Phoenix.

REST API: Develop RESTful APIs for the generated entities. Policy Implementation: Integrate policies to manage access and permissions. Testing: Add comprehensive tests to ensure functionality and reliability.

Real-World Application Example: Use the Petal stack as the foundational base for demonstration. Show integration of Petal authentication with Ash policies.

AshAdmin Demonstration: Provide a brief demo of AshAdmin for testing and managing resources within Ash.

Analysis: Discuss the pros and cons of using Ash in a Phoenix application. Highlight scenarios where Ash adds significant value and instances where traditional Phoenix approaches may be preferable.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ash framework practical usage.
  • Github link for the application presented.
  • Rapid production evaluation.
  • Recipes to get started with Ash framework as the learning curve is too high.

Target Audience:

  • Intermediate to Expert Elixir developers.
  • Startup founders.