Magnus Sedlacek

CEO of Ada Beat and the organizer of Func Prog Sweden

I lead Ada Beat, an IT-Consultancy focused on Functional Programming. I also host and organize the MeetUp Func Prog Sweden where we explore functional programming. Been working with Erlang since 2008.

Scaling Erlang across Continents

The story behind how Erlang spread to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in 2013.

In this talk you will learn why and how. The talk will also cover lessons learnt teaching newcomers in Erlang with no common native language. How, once you have established a core team in Erlang, can scale up the Erlang development team from 8 to 100+ developers. The talk will finish with the current state of the Erlang & Elixir community in Ho Chi Minh City and Vietnam in general.

Key Takeaways:

  • Get inspiration to spread Erlang/Elixir/Gleam and the BEAM.

Target Audience:

  • Anyone that wants to get inspired to spread the BEAM.