Brujo Benavides

Erlang Engineer @ Baxter

Argentinian Erlanger, currently living in sunny Catalunya. Member of the Education Working Group @ The Erlang Ecosystem Foundation. Used to be an Spawnfest organizer. Amateur table tennis player and long-distance walker. Find more:

10 Ways to Stop an Erlang VM

Erlang systems are meant to be running non-stop. But sometimes you just need to get out of the VM and that may be a little… let’s say… unintuitive.

Do you have an Erlang VM that you don’t need anymore and you don’t know what to do with it? Did you turn on an Erlang VM by mistake? Do you want to prank your Erlanger friend by remotely turning off their servers [NOT RECOMMENDED]?

Worry not, my friend, this is just the talk for you! Fasten your seatbelt and get into your old fridges… we’re going to crash and blow things up!!

Key Takeaways:

  • This is not a super-smart talk. It’s not a groundbreaking one, either. But it will certainly be a funny one and you may end up learning a thing or two about the Erlang shell and the Erlang VM, in general.

Target Audience:

  • Everybody, even people that know nothing about Erlang.

Everything you Need to Know about Testing in Erlang… and a bit of Elixir, as well