Barnabas Jovanovics

Ash Core Team Member

I started as an Electrician. Afterwards, I became a PLC programmer, learning WebDev on the side. Later, I got my BSc in Software Engineering and have been doing Full-Stack work for a couple of years now.

Node to Elixir (A newcomer's perspective after 2 years in production)

Telling our experience from considering to change to elixir, doing it and now having a service in production for two years. Starting from the Libraries and Tools we looked at and what we landed on and the experiences we made running the application in production for about 2 years now

Key Takeaways:

  • What are some possible ways to get an elixir application in production? From considering which library and tools to choose to the experience, we had with the running application.

Target Audience:

  • People who are considering running Elixir in Production. And would like to know how others did it.